Grande section (from 5 years old)
The Programme includes learning simple speech sounds and graphemes of the French language.
The topics are those covered by the French programme GS (Grande Section) and CP (Cours Préparatoire): world of animals, plants and objects, history and geography ....
- Understand French well enough.
- Speak French using simple words.
- Don’t write or have started learning to write in English.
- Main objective: to speak in French (children are encouraged to speak, to form clear sentences) and to begin to write and read in French, using phonetics.
- Understand well instructions in French.
- Enrich and diversify his/her vocabulary.
- Express causes and spatio-temporal circumstances (when, why, because, where ...).
- Know the alphabet and count up to 100.
- Be able to read simple words phonetically (vélo, moto, car, bus, ami, vis, ver ...) and start learning complex sounds.
- Continue learning nursery rhymes and gesture songs.
MeTHODs and books used
- Apprendre à lire à l’école, tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour accompagner l’enfant, collection Savoirs pratiques Education, Editions RETZ
- J'apprends à lire avec Sami et Julie, Dès 5 ans, Hachette Education
- Je lis seul, tu lis seule..., Fichier de lecture CP, Nathan