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French language saturday school for adults and children in London Hackney - école FLAM de Français pour adultes et enfants à Londres Hackney. Bibliothèque / Library: plus de 1 500 livres et magazines en Français.  



These lessons are organised over two years. The first year is dedicated to improving the reading with the objective to prepare the child to grammar and conjugation, which are essentially covered during the second year of the programme.

first year


  • Understand and be able to speak French
  • Know the alphabet
  • Be able to read simple words 


  • Main objective: increase fluency in the French spoken language and improve reading.
  • Deepen the reading:
    • Review of prior learning (GS-CP level)
    • Deciphering simple and then complex words
    • Learning diphthongs
    • Discovery of Invariable words and homonyms
    • Discovery of Poetry
  • Improvement in oral French:
    • Vocabulary development
    • Simple text comprehension and oral restitution
    • Answering questions of everyday life by developing own ideas
  • Development in writing:
    • Discovery of the structure of a sentence: capital letters, full point, comma ...
    • Simple writing using present tense
    • Writing of a short text on a subject of daily life
    • Copy a lesson
    • In conjugation, discovery of the Present tense
  • Other: learn to read the time

Methods and books used

  • Bien lire et aimer lire : méthode phonétique et gestuelle créée par Suzanne Borel-Maisonny, Volume 2, Cycle 2 (fin CP-CE1), ESF Editeur
  • Je lis seul, tu lis seule ..., Fichier de lecture CP, Nathan
  • Comme un Livre, Lecture silencieuse : CP-CE1, Hachette


second year


  • Can speak French properly
  • Able to make complex sentences on simple topics
  • Read French and understand it
  • Can orally summarize a text or a story


  • Main objective: strengthening of reading skills and encouragement to speak.
  • Strengthen oral skills and encourage the speaking:
    • Answering questions of daily life by developing own ideas.
    • Describe an action.
    • Telling a story using a suitable vocabulary.
  • Strengthen reading:
    • Review of complex phonemes and graphemes to ensure that, at the end of the school year,  reading is fluid and all sounds are assimilated.
    • Understand a short text and be able to answer simple questions.
    • First systematic and grammatical approach to the French language.
    • Learn to identify the structure and to make a simple sentence (verb, subject, article, adjective, pronoun).
    • Identify subjects and verbs.
    • Discovery of antonyms and synonyms.
  • Introduction to conjugation:
    • Conjugate verbs from first and second group at the Present tense and know the verbs être (to be), avoir (to have) and other common verbs.
    • Distinguish present, past and future tenses.
  • Development of written techniques:
    • Write previously memorized words.
    • Copy short texts without mistakes.
    • First dictations and self-dictations.
  • Other :
    • Learning the numbers up to a million.
    • Introduction to the history and geography in French.
    • Recognize the emblems and symbols of France.


  • Découvrir le monde, CP-CE1, Magnard
  • Comme un Livre, Lecture silencieuse CE1, Hachette Education
  • Bled CP-CE1, Grammaire-Orthographe-Conjugaison, Hachette Education
  • Je lis seul, tu lis seule..., Fichier de lecture : CP-CE1, Nathan
  • Mon gros cahier de dictées, CE1-CE2-CM1-CM2, Rue des Ecoles